Your real estate agent in Hurghada - Egypt. Purchase and sale of your property on the Red Sea
Trust is the basis from every cooperation

 Your dreams of "sea", sun and beach come true...

We know, the global situation makes traveling difficult and therefore also the search for a dream property in Egypt.

That is why we are personally available and present for you 365 days a year, both in Hurghada and in Germany. But our service goes much further. We connect two continents. Europe and Africa. The everyday life and the longing for "sea"....

We adapt to these pandemic circumstances and we offer our services in a contemporary way but not in a wide range, so that we have time to take care of you - our customers.

.beachfront does not live from a broad social media presence, but from the recommendation by our customers. From experience and recognition that cannot be bought.

You can find our real estate and rental offers on facebook and impressions on Instagram under beachfront_redsea and on our homepage. We don't have to be everywhere, but we are where it matters most - with you - our buyers and sellers.

Projects like new buildings are available in a small but fine selection, because for us the quality of advice counts, not the quantity. We don´t want to "not" know what we do. The advice, time for decisions, passion for finding your dream property, viewings with a coffee that is your .beachfront team.

.beachfront is a fast growing company in Hurghada and was born out of many experiences, but also out of a deep love and feeling of connection to Egypt. We maintain a trustful and very personal relationship with all our business partners and that is what makes .beachfront stand out. Accessibility, communication and a cooperation based on trust and appreciation. Yes, we also only cook with water, but with good ingredients and we stay humble. Our core business takes place in Hurghada, not all over the country or all over the Red Sea. We are not a GROUP (as make us bigger as we are) but a company that dedicates itself with love to what is important to us. That you find your dream home. We love Hurghada and stand behind "our city".

.beachfront has a face. Our founder and leader (CEO) Mr. Ibrahim and a motivated international team working behind our company.
We are all proud to be a part of .beachfront and everyone gives his best for "his" company. We all feel part of this company and it is "our baby".
This close cooperation of the whole .beachfront team makes our sales as well as our services around your Red Sea property something we call a trustful cooperation with our clients and guests.

We are also there for you after you signing of the sales contract and together with you we take care of the renovation, furniture, maintenance, as well as the security (security systems) of your property.

The entire .beachfront team is looking forward to meeting you!

Your home in Egypt

There for you 365 day a year, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day

Together. You ask, we answer. Fast, reliable and personal

Contact Us

.beachfront is an expression of an attitude towards life and our philosophy...

The whole .beachfront team loves what they do and also our city - Hurghada.

You have fixed contact persons in your native language. We take care of all your questions and you can reach us personally at any time.

Our goal? You ask, we answer! No waiting for days for a feedback, no unanswered inquiries. Personal and prompt! fast and direct - often on the same day you contact us!

We know that many seek first contact with us via social media, but you and we want more. We want to advise you personally, be there for you and value you, to make your dream of home ownership or vacation on the Red Sea come true. Personal, direct and completely tailored to your personal needs. No matter how long it takes to find the right thing for you.

Real estate is an investment, monetarily, in spirit and in time. Fulfilling a life's dream is much more than selling you something you can get elsewhere....

We would like to thank all our clients and guests for their trust, for every recommendation, for their patience and for the fun it is to be able to advise and accompany you. This fulfillment in our work, which we would not have without you. And of course to you as a .beachfront "newcomer" when you find your way to us. We appreciate this trust, welcome you to the .beachfront team and will give everything to make your dream at the Red Sea come true.

You are welcome in Hurghada and at .beachfront Real Estate & Investment 

.beachfront real estate

One Team - One Goal

One founder - One team - Our strength

An idea was born and a team grew up. We are proud of what we have achieved together.

Everyone in our team has their strengths and we work hand in hand in trust and with full commitment for .beachfront.

Loyalty and appreciation characterize our team and is at the same time our corporate philosophy.

Our corporate culture is what our customers feel and we pursue a goal with you, because together we come closer to your desire to call a property on the Red Sea their property.

I am glad that you are with us.

Welcome to .beachfront Real Estate & Investment Company LLC

Owner and founder (CEO)
Ibrahim A. Mahmoud


14 Years of Experience


Lived corporate culture - with and for each other

The love for our work and what our customers appreciate about our company is what makes .beachfront it is. A Red Sea lifestyle. Sea, salt and sun in the air....
Loyalty, appreciation and a common goal are the basis for our work as a team. Together with owners, buyers and tenants. Not only we employees trust each other, are a team and work together to meet the needs of our customers.
Sustainable relationships between clients and .beachfront are the most important thing when there are many thousands of kilometers between owner and property. For everyone who decides to buy a property in Egypt we want to create a sustainable added value.
We stick to our company philosophy and manage a limited and controlled social media presence. We strive to show what we have. You see what you want to see during your viewing with us and we do not make a political statement, but an ethical one. We prepare conscientiously for your viewing appointment, keep our online listings up to date and our promotional efforts effective, and follow fixed workflows that also ensure the necessary flexibility for you and your needs. We ensure the quality of our work according to our own standards and combine German and Egyptian mentality and possibilities.
.beachfront attaches great importance to transparency. No hidden sales practices towards the seller or buyer. We do not create intermediate contracts to increase our commission and are only intermediaries in, during and after a sale or purchase. We charge a maximum 5% commission per sale, which is our earnings. This is either paid in full by the seller, shared by seller and buyer or in rare cases just passed on to the buyer. This pricing policy is consistently lived and is transparent and comprehensible for both seller and buyer and can be seen in all documents. This also includes that you receive all information from us and that we disclose our documents upon request of both parties. A matter of trust!

Only in this way can we create trust as a basis and work in your interest in the long term.

We for you - you with us - together we are an unbeatable team

Our work for you...

We are strong in a team!

4 eyes see more than 2!

Trust is good, control is better!

Don't just trust your instincts, trust all your instincts + safety net.

Do not do anything in Egypt that you would not do in Europe.

But uncertainties remain and some things run differently in Egypt than in Europe.
Right, you are in a foreign country, in a foreign culture and hear a foreign language.

The purchase of a property at the Red Sea is often a monetary existential decision. You give your hard earned money out of your hand and want security. Understandable. And for your reassurance - a real estate purchase can also be very relaxed in Egypt.

But let's be honest: even we, who work here every day, experience one or the other surprise every now and then and even if nothing goes wrong - they are surprises after all....
We live and work here and that's why we make sure your money gets to where it's supposed to go - An investment in your Red Sea property without any personal disasters.

We are your safety net and our lawyer is your double bottom. In any case a better feeling than being in free fall...

Long story short: Together is still better than alone, and in this case this is true in every respect!
