Dear customers,
the price development of the last months does not make it easy for us to keep all offers always up to date.
At the moment some developers and private owners change prices every 2 weeks.
We try to update as soon as possible all price information we receive in our offers.
If you are interested in a property, please contact us and we will be happy to send you an updated offer with a reliable current price.
Therefore, our offer must remain free and be considered non-binding, especially in these troubled times in the financial markets.
We hope that this is understood by all.
If you find an error in any of our descriptions on our homepage, we apologize. We do our best to avoid this, but where people work, mistakes unfortunately happen from time to time.
If the error devil should have crept in and you find it, we are pleased about a short message by email to: [email protected] or by WhatsApp to +491722515694.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to your support.
With sunny greetings
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